Vize-Weltmeister WUSV Universal 2023 und schönster leistungsblütiger Rüde!!!
Vize-Bundessieger WUSV Universal Deutschland mit 98pt in C!
ZB: V beim BZW,beim LZW und bei einem Richter der BSZS.
14.11.2021Prüfung in Borken: IGP3, A: 98, B: 81 ohne Voraus, C: 93
08.08.2021 Prüfung in Borken: IFH1, 96 Punkte, V
18.07.2021: erfolgreiche Teilnahme auf der LG-Zuchtschau in 05: vorzüglich
erfolgreiche V IGP 2 100 87 90 277 SG
In Frechen-Buschbell von Körmeisterin,Margit van Dorssen, für 2022/23 angekört!I
IGP1 97 90 99 286 V
05/2020: HD/ED normal und LÜW 0.
Please note that even health results prepared to the best of our knowledge and belief may always contain errors. These can occur both during sampling and in rare cases in the laboratory as well as during transmission. Please complete your entries with evidence by then.
Please note that even health results prepared to the best of our knowledge and belief may always contain errors. These can occur both during sampling and in rare cases in the laboratory as well as during transmission. Please complete your entries with evidence by then.